Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Still On-going peeps!!!

Work on the new track is still on-going but will be finished soon I promise. Love the track and cannot wait to put it out there. I am going to push this track so much!!! so get ready facebook friends you will be bombarded with links, links and more links! =] much love xxx

Friday, 4 November 2011


The new track and artwork are looking immense!!! cannot believe how well everything has come together!!! or that its mine! lol xxx

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

New Tracks & New Projects

Guys and Girls, Lots of new projects are coming my way. Its a very exciting but busy time!!! So much to do but love doing it. The music has me hooked so much so that the art project gets left behind a bit, but all in good time, I will soon have them all up and running again.

Watch this space and get ready for what I think will be my best track yet!


Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Given up before you've even started!!

Sometimes people do give up on thing. As hard as it maybe to take I won't be doing it in the future! I stand by what I feel and will not bow down to other peoples ideas of what is right... I feel a song coming on!!! xxx

Friday, 4 February 2011

being nice gets you no maybe it's time for a change?

Bad things always happen to good people. Its happened to me, my friends my family. I just don't understand. why is it also that you can give give give to a person and get nothing in return!? Karma will come around and bit you in the ass one day!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Guys and Girls I am on twitter...

I don't use it that often, maybe I should. I want Britney to follow me then we can chat. At the moment I write something and I'm pretty sure only 12 people will see. So add me people. I will tweet more... I hope. I still think facebook is the way forward.

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